We really need a way to report on how long a ticket is spending at a particular status before progressing to the next step. I honnestly thought this was part of the functionality I was paying for with Service Pro.
The ability to easily see where the bottle necks in our process are is critical to our service improvement. I can see that the time between function now exists for deals, but it does not appear to be applicable to ticket stages nor can I find a work around.
I know that the data is collected as you can see in individual tickets the history of the ticket status by clicking on the property, but there still seems to be no way to access this in reports or contact filtering.
@LButterfield we are currently in the process of mimicking the current behavior of deals for tickets. They had previously migrated to this new, more powerful system.
We are planning to launch this in Q1 for tickets and I will update this thread once we do.
@SarahX, thanks for sharing these detail, much appreciated. I would like to share some ideas and would love to get your take whether they solve your requirements.
Note: I can totally relate to your requirements and I am open to exploring building out native HubSpot features but it would be very interesting to learn whether existing alternatives would meet your requirements as well.
"I would still appreciate a way to track this time on individual tickets"
-> You could create the report and then embed it via CRM Cards onto a ticket record
"apply it to workflows so that an alert can be created if a ticket exceeds an amount of time"
-> You could create a workflow using delays that should enable this alerting
Enroll ticket in workflow when it entered stage x
Wait 5 days (for example)
Check whether the ticket is still in stage x
If yes, send an alert e.g. a notification
"filter for tickets that have exceeded a certain amount of time"
-> That's a good one and I can only imagine using the workflow mentioned above to tag tickets (e.g. via a custom property) that are over a certain threshold (that you define).
"Only other thing I'd love to see in this is a comparison over the previous period. Thanks, again!"
@CaitlinHaire , thank you for sharing additional requirements, I would like to share an idea with you - let me know what you tink. You could change the axis in the Single Object Report Builder to show the average over time. Would the below report give you that comparison you were looking for?
Can you tell me more about whether the report "Ticket time in pipeline" in the Report Collection Team Performance section would fulfill your requirements? You can break the report down by rep, team and create date and can add filters to it as well.
My current work around for this is to create a new contact property for each stage called "Date entered <ticket_stage_name>", then in each stage of the ticket automation to have an action using the 'set property' function that sets that property to the 'date of step'.
Unfortunately this needs to be set up manually before you can collect the data and report on it, so I will only be able to find out this information from after set up.
100% @SarahX ! I was just about to post this same idea when I found this idea post. We did recently role out of the Historical snapshots sales report as a way to do this for deals as part of our new Sales Content Analytics tool. We don't have a feature like that for tickets at the moment. I have shared your idea with the correct team internally too.
This would be really helpful for us too! We want to be able to report on how much time is spent on deals with warranty issues that we log with tickets.
YEs please! I too thought this was part of the funtionality espevcially seeing as you can do it for deal stages already. Please please please make this.
Any progress on rolling out the deal stage reporting functionality to ticket status?
We have created individual reports that average time between calculated properties but would love to be able to see these in one single, comparative reporting widget.
Another tip for the workaround posted above...if you go to Ticket Properties > Ticket status and export the property history file, you can see all the statuses a ticket has been through, along with time stamps. You can then reimport the time stamps for those statuses into the new properties you've built to capture "date entered XYZ". That way, you won't have to wait for the automation to create the data you need for reporting.
I come from a ConnectWsie manage PSA environnement and HubSpot is dominating most PSA's out there. It is clean and user friendly. Adding time entries on tickets would be a huge advantage and would attract a wider market for sure.
Having this option would also get around the HS issue of ticket reporting being thrown off by customers replying to closed tickets. You could simply have a report which shows the total ticket time when not in "Closed" status. Then you'd know how long it's taking to close tickets.
Fiquei extremamente chateada ao saber que essa função não existe atualmente.
Achei que deveria ser algo padrão para um sistema taõ avançado quanto o Hubspot . Confesso que fiquei decepcionada pelo trabalho que será realizado manualmente por falta de recurso nativo da ferramenta.
That would be amaizing. Currently is hard to have only Hubspot for all company. This is a basic requirement if the tool aims to support Customer Support departments. As TM is a mandatory KPIs to understand where might be the bottle necks. Hopefully and in a very near feature, Hubspot can implement such feature without having to go through soooo many workflows. . .
I'm a part of Aptitude 8's product team A8 Labs. We're currently in Beta for a new SLA Tool called Timerman SLA, which might just be the solution you're looking for. Timerman allows you to assign SLA Policies to both tickets and deals via workflows. It also tracks time in each stage down to the minute and lets you create reports/dashboards within HubSpot!
We're releasing the app to beta users so shoot me a message if you're interested in learning more!
I read this post and I did the same (I created a property for each stage but I did in Tickets).
But I want to know if there is a way to see the result between stages on specific days. What I need to know is how many days it took my service team to move that ticket to another stage (and so on, between each one).
I made a table with the property dates, but I would like to know if it is possible to automatically obtain the number of days between these property dates
Create a date stamp per ticket property, you can automate this through workflow for new records. For older records, you just have to export then import the ticket property history.
Then create a calculation property *time between* e.g. status 1 from status 2