It seems the association can be done but unfortunately doesnt work in the same way as the line itme association with deals. We would want to be able to:
Add the line items when creating a custom object
Edit the line item and change how many of that line item
My Company has a use case where one of our custom objects needs to be associated with Line Items from a Deal. Would be great if we were able to create this type of association. As it stands, we're considering not using Line Items and instead replacing them with another custom object, which would give us the flexibility to associate them to any other object type we want. Downside of that is that there's a lot of great native functionality tied to Line Items that we'd lose.
We have a similar use case where our customers want us to bill them via different entities, all under one deal. We want to be able to tag certain line items to certain entities (these can be Companies or Custom Objects, but Line Items doesn't handle either), so that we can correctly add and store this billing info within HubSpot, and generate the invoices from there.
Our current workaround is to use the API and a separate interface to associate line items with custom objects.
It has to be one deal because all of the contacts, meetings, notes is with the same decision maker(s), the only difference comes when we invoice them.
My main use case is that I'd like line items to be associated at the company level for closed/won deals. Our CS team needs to be able to see all products our customers have purchased in one place (with a status of which items are active, so ability to change via workflow if upgraded/downgraded/subscriber quantity changed), not look through several deals to understand which items or versions have been purchased. Custom object association would be great, but association to native objects first!
+1 for us. We use a custom object for our subscription contracts which are created from a closed won deal and can be upgraded / downgraded / winback with a deal associated to the custom object (subscription contract). At the moment we have the object for our contract but can't see which products it haves. So it isn't possible for us to use hubspot for automate the creation of a contract in our backend at the moment. We also think about creating an additional custom object for the products / lineitems, but then we have to create the objects from the lineitems of the deal and miss the great functionality of the lineitems object. I'm sad to see, that this request is not planed since the creation 4 years ago.