Integration Between Jabber Web SDK and Hubspot API
Help! We are considering hubspot and want the starting point of this discussion to be acceptance of incoming caller ID and display of that contact info in Hubspot. We know that AirCall will do this, but we don't need a softphone based app to do something so limited in scope, which sounds like it should be a basic CRM function.
After looking through the huge solutions provider database, I decided to put this one out there in case someone has experience with this type of integration. We have a Cisco phone system which integrates with the Jabber desktop app. When the phone rings, Jabber should feed the calling info and Hubspot takes over.
Anyone already accomplished this type of functionality? Recommend a partner to get it in place?
I'm don't know what is the behaviour of jabber so : " which should be able to provide the incoming caller id" will not help me a lot xD.
For your usecase you have to know that it's not an easy project : You can't open a hubspot contact page without knowing his internal id. To display contact information from hubspot during call you will need a custom script which interact with the hubspot api and retrieve contact information according to his phone number and display it in a browser or a window
I think that use a web based version of jabber with be easyer for your project.
If you are a good developer you can achieve it by your own, if not you will need an agency.
I'm don't know what is the behaviour of jabber so : " which should be able to provide the incoming caller id" will not help me a lot xD.
For your usecase you have to know that it's not an easy project : You can't open a hubspot contact page without knowing his internal id. To display contact information from hubspot during call you will need a custom script which interact with the hubspot api and retrieve contact information according to his phone number and display it in a browser or a window
I think that use a web based version of jabber with be easyer for your project.
If you are a good developer you can achieve it by your own, if not you will need an agency.
I need to know more about your need to help you : - How your phone (physical or virtual) can transmit the caller number - What is the behaviour you expect ? Opening hubspot on the right contact page or have a custom webpage filled with hubspot contact data updating according to who is actually calling ?
Integration Between Jabber Web SDK and Hubspot API
The phone is connected to Jabber which should be able to provide the incoming caller id. The request is to open the contact information in Hubspot based on that phone number. Not sure, but it is looking like we may go with AirCall to provide this.
Thanks for the question. I, personally, do not have any experience with jabber. You can use the engagements API to add a call recording to a contact, but I am unsure of the process of getting it there