Beginning on October 31, we'll be updating our App Marketplace listing process to include more validation for specific fields. These fields are already required for listing and can be found in our App Marketplace listing requirements, but they will now be validated and required as part of creating or updating the App Marketplace listing from your developer account, before the listing can be submitted.
What's changing?
When entering information about your app during the listing process, fields will be validated before being able to submit the listing.
Some specific fields that will be validated include:
App name:
Name should not be identical or too similar to any other apps in the HubSpot Marketplace (including other apps in your developer account).
Cannot contain "HubSpot" and should not combine HubSpot's name (including "Hub") with your app name.
URLs must have a valid URL structure, and must use HTTPS
URLs can't match the URLs used for other links (i.e. you can't use the same link for your homepage and setup guide).
The URL must return a 2xx status code when fetched
App overview:
Meets the minimum length requirement of 160 characters
No placeholder/repeat content (e.g. "Lorum Ipsum" or same single line being repeated numerous times)
Shared data table
Should not include duplicate/repeat entries for data items
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