HubSpot Ideas


Automatically forwarding emails from Gmail


Gmail can forward emails to some address if Hubspot provides a way to receive in Inbox or elsewhere the verification email sent by Gmail.

Currently all emails sent to the forwarding email address end nowhere so this Gmail usefull feature can't be used because the verification code can't be provided back in Gmail.

The purpose is to mirror automatically in Hubspot all emails received in the business email account including the first one received from an unknown source.

A number of CRM competitors have this feature.

Thank you.

4 Replies

Yes, PLEASE, add a feature where you can forward email from Gmail into HubSpot. While I definitely want people to respond to my email "marketing," I also want them to reach out without my having to reach out first--this means that I am doing something right.


Unfortunately, HubSpot's "advertising" led me to believe that I would receive "all" contact activity--unfortunately, this is just not true if I cannot receive unsolicitied emails into HubSpot. 😞


I cannot imagine that it would be that hard to allow a verification code into HubSpot. I even opened a Contact with my address hoping that it would appear; unfortunately, it did not. Again, it should be a simple fix and would a great selling point. For now, it would appear that after two days of trying to fix this issue (even support didn't realize that it didn't work without their researching). I will have to look elsewhere? UGH!


Please, please fix asap. Really, it shouldn't be that hard. Thanks!




Yes is there a way to include an easy way to forward emails into Hubspot when we use the Hubspot Gmail extension?

Participant | Partner

Did HubSpot ever add this feature? I'm waiting here waiting for my verification code to arrive somewhere 🙂 


Still a pain point. Customers using Gmail especially would love a way to set up a filter to forward some inbound messages from personal email addresses to "" Currently this is impossible because of Gmail's requirements around receiving a verification code to set up a forwarding address. The only option is to manually log inbound messages, which is not very frictionless.


Quote from a customer: "I'm at a roadblock with Hubspot being a poor tool as a customer success when it comes to direct communication versus tools like SFDC or even ... The item is I need a way for emails to be seen in hubspot without having to reply or log them manually every single time for it to be properly logged. ... Ultimately I see Hubspot as a lot of value in tracking items but it's not a good daily tool for comms unless your a sales rep or support team."