[How-to] Automatically open the chat widget when a customer loads a specific page URL
👋Hi there, HubSpot Community! I'm Julia, a technical writer for the HubSpot Knowledge Base. I help curate content for our Sales Hub and Conversations tools. I want to share a tip about a cool feature that you can use with your live chats.
After you create a live chat for your website pages, you can automatically open a chat widget when a visitor loads a specific page URL. You can add this URL to your CTAs, marketing emails, or other content to send visitors directly to your sales and services team.
Navigate to the page on your website where there is a chatflow.
In the URL toolbar, add #hs-chat-open to the end of the page URL.
Copy the link.
You can now add the link to your emails, landing pages, or other marketing campaigns.
Or you can share this link directly with a contact when sending them a one-to-one email in the CRM.
When a contact clicks the link and the page loads, the chat widget will automatically pop open so they can immediately start a chat conversation.
How would you use this feature to get contacts in touch with your team?
Please note: if you're a web developer or are working with a developer on your team, you can also use the Conversations SDK to automatically open the chat widget when a contact clicks a link or button. Learn how to open to a specific chatflow on a page.
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