Good day to you. Do you have any experience using HubSpot for loyalty points program or have you integrated HubSpot with Loyalty software before? I am looking for some recommedation.
My client business is a Beauty Clinic and they want to create points based reward system using HubSpot. I saw some softwares in HubSpot App Marketplace and explore some of them.
Please share your experience if you have any. It would be truly valuable for me.
Hi - We're seeking something very similar but for a woocommerce implementation. We are using the Hubspot loyalty program but need to connect with woocommerce. Any ideas? suggestions?
I found this blog article that goes through the basics of building a customer loyalty program and also introduces two apps that can help you build & manage your program: Yotpo & LoyaltyLion.
I also wanted to tag in a couple of HubSpot experts and Community members to see if they have any advice:
Thanks @MiaSrebrnjak , and hi @TMyatNoe - I don't have experience with either of the recommended apps, and there are quite a few others that integrate with HubSpot. My suggestion would be to reach out directly to the app provider for a demo so you can see how it works and ask questions specific to your use case. Some also offer a free trial that might be helpful.
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