HubSpot Ideas


Prevent users from creating object views

Hi team,

As an admin, currently it is not possible to restrict permissions so that only specific users are able to create object views (e.g. contacts > contacts > add view). Without this capability, the CRM users can create duplicated views or even create views without filters, which makes it difficult to keep things organized. The only workaround is to ask the users to create their views as private, which is easy to forget. Thanks.




Oi equipe,

Como superadministrador, atualmente não é possível restringir as permissões para que apenas usuários específicos possam criar visualizações de objetos (por exemplo, contatos > contatos > adicionar visualização). Sem esse recurso, os usuários do CRM podem criar visualizações duplicadas ou até mesmo criar visualizações sem filtros, o que dificulta a organização dos objetos. A única solução alternativa é pedir aos usuários que criem suas visualizações como privadas, o que é fácil de esquecer. Obrigada.

3 Replies

This function is essential. Without a restriction of which user is enabled to create a saved exhibition, the exhibition list becomes incorrect and polluted, as users that are not familiarized with the function end up creating a "false" exhibition given that the filter is not being applied correctly.


This function is essential. Without a restriction of which user is enabled to create a saved exhibition, the exhibition list becomes incorrect and polluted, as users that are not familiarized with the function end up creating a "false" exhibition given that the filter is not being applied correctly.


same here pls. users can create a custom view and select certain filds that we dont want them to see (like associated deals, companies, contacts etc) and there's no way to restrict this at the moment