We really need the ability to filter by association label outside of creating a list. If a company has more than 5 contacts associated, then currently we have to create a list and filter by company and association label to view the contacts with a specific label. It would be way easier to click "View More Contacts" and be able to view association labels from the Contacts view.
Totally agree. Our sales reps need to be able to filter their territory by decision makers (label) and now we have to create a million contact lists to accommodate those requests.
I agree on filtering outside lists! My use case is actually for deals, but it'd be great to have that same functionality in lists available as if it was a field on the contact or company lists as well as on the deal dashboard.
I am looking for the same functionility. Our Sales and Success reps deal with specific contacts within Company's with many contacts. The ability to filter the Contacts list by association label is critical. Without the ability to use associations labels to filter, another field has to be used in order to support filtering by the same data.
We need the same thing -- we have association labels such as Active member, Staff, etc. Need a way to pull just active member contacts and their associated companies
Neeeed this! Especially when we have many contacts associated to a company. You can view their association labels on the company record, but as soon as you open all of the companies contacts in the table view, you cant see assocation labels therefore rendering them useless.
Hello all, my name's Jeff - I'm a product designer for the CRM at HubSpot.
My team's currently looking to enable users to better organize their associations by association labels within the record overview.
For anyone interested, I'd love to set up some time to chat and walk you through some concept designs we're exploring. In order to ensure that this feature is effective and easy-to-use, we need to test it with you, our users. That will help us understand how well it works and meets your expectations.
Session details:
- Session will require no more than 30 minutes of your time.
- Session will consist of a recorded Zoom call where you’ll interact with a prototype showing different variations of this feature.
- You’ll be asked to provide honest feedback as you go.
Once you’ve submitted the form: If you qualify, you’ll receive an email within the next 48 hours with the subject, “Schedule a HubSpot UX Research Session”. Just pick a time and we'll do the rest. We’re looking forward to chatting and getting your feedback.
Hey everyone, just wanted to provide a quick update here - we've wrapped up the research already and got some great feedback on how to offer a better experience for organizing associations by labels on the record. We'll be working on building a solution that will likely release some time this year.