I would like the ability to quickly copy or duplicate a line item within a deal/quote.
I often have the same product enter multiple times in a deal/quote. Said differently, multiple line items will be for the same product.
Instead of adding the line item multiple times from the product library, I would like the action button for the line item to include "Copy". This is a much faster way to enter duplicate line items. It also copies any unique information added to the line item's description, which I also need to include. For example the same product might apear multiple times but each entry is for a different geographical location - "Type F1" or "Location F2"
I vote to implement CSP's suggestion. I have the same experience when entering date into quotes - as well as being able to duplicate the quote. It would be fantastic to integrate Chris' suggestion. Thank you
this would.... duplicating deals onto other customers would be really helpful. sometimes its a faff having to input all the information for a new customer who wants the exact same services as a previous deal....