Please, for the love of all things statistics and reporting, allow the ability for averages in a report!
We are trying to see not only our demos booked and completed for a certain time frame, but the running average of demos booked. That way, we can easily see if we are above or below average and what may be attributed to this!
It's very important for us to see at a glance, and I can't believe something as robust as Hubspot wouldn't have this capability. Please please please make this happen! 🙂
We appreciate the feedback. It is possible to apply an average to a report using the new Custom Report Builder [In Beta]. The Custom Report Builder supports 20+ data sources from marketing, sales, and service, and has increased functionality and new visualizations. It is now available to all Professional and Enterprise customers. You can access it directly in your portal using this link.
Averages can be applied to eligible metrics (numeric fields) in the custom report builder. To apply an average to your report, start by searching for the field you are looking for in the field select within the far left panel. Use the drag-and-drop functionality to add your desired metric directly to the Y-Axis of your report. You can identify numeric fields with the "#" sign, far left. Once the field is in the Y-Axis, you can click on the field to access the aggregation options: distinct count, sum, average, min, max.
Screenshot of average below:
You can use filters to narrow down your desired time range or other criteria. This should solve for the majority of use cases mentioned in the thread, but open to additional questions or feedback about applying averages.
This may or may not be related, but we get requests from our clients to see reports over time. For example, I can see all sales activity for each rep broken out by activity type (call, meeting, email, etc) but there is no way to know whether the # for the period is good or bad because there is nothing to compare it to. The idea of showing the averages for prior periods or allow for the comparison over time that is available in some other reports.
I was coming here in hopes that I was missing something on averages in reporting. This needs to be a feature.
In my instance, I'd like to know the average number of days it takes for a lead to become an MQL (I've made time stamp properties that track these lifecycle stages so I know the date someone becomes a lead and an MQL), and I'd like to know the average number of activities it takes for a lead to become an MQL.
For a robust reporting feature, I shouldn't have to export and crunch numbers in excel to get this information.
As the admin of an enterprise account, I strongly suggest you implement this feature (along with other basic statistic options like median and mode) into reports!
We appreciate the feedback. It is possible to apply an average to a report using the new Custom Report Builder [In Beta]. The Custom Report Builder supports 20+ data sources from marketing, sales, and service, and has increased functionality and new visualizations. It is now available to all Professional and Enterprise customers. You can access it directly in your portal using this link.
Averages can be applied to eligible metrics (numeric fields) in the custom report builder. To apply an average to your report, start by searching for the field you are looking for in the field select within the far left panel. Use the drag-and-drop functionality to add your desired metric directly to the Y-Axis of your report. You can identify numeric fields with the "#" sign, far left. Once the field is in the Y-Axis, you can click on the field to access the aggregation options: distinct count, sum, average, min, max.
Screenshot of average below:
You can use filters to narrow down your desired time range or other criteria. This should solve for the majority of use cases mentioned in the thread, but open to additional questions or feedback about applying averages.
This is most certainly not solved. CES ratings, NPS ratings are considered non numeric values, even though they are. 1-7 and 1-10 respectively. HOW ARE THOSE NOT NUMBERS???? I cannot get an average for CES or NPS of any kind. What out of the box reporting did you consider for these industry standard survey questions? As far as I can tell there was no thought to presenting the data after it has been taken. This is standard functionality for your competitors offering the same INDUSTRY STANDARD survey's, how can I report business insights to stakeholders without this? What value is there in surveying in the first place?
@mgriffith I can see that some users, including me, are still missing many numeric values not being able to be set on average. Examples are not only ratings but also number of tickets e.g.
This is definitely not solved. Or, I am not understanding how it can be achieved. See this screen, why in the world would the Report Details be summing a field added as an Average? In my report set up, I have the aggregation for the Avg fields shown below set as "Average" and I am grouping by a Line Item dimension. And why in the world would it Sum the Record IDs?!? Unfortunately, I do not even have the option to exclude those, they're just added by default for some reason.
We have a sales pipeline for our existing customers, and we really need to know the average time between a customer's (deal's) start date property and 'today', not another date property such as close date.
We have several 'time between' reports, which work fine, but they only calculate the average time between two dates. This works for customers (deals) that have signed up with us and then left, but it doesn't account for existing customers.
We need to know the average time our existing customers have been with us, and date property that looks at 'today' rather than a date picker would solve this.