Hi there, its been a couple of months since Twitter announced its character count limit to 4000 characters. Any chance this is in the works? Kinda annoying having to trim social post content, which ultimately sends me to post on Twitter.
We're desperately waiting on this as well - we rely on posting from HS for reporting and this is also forcing us to post directly from Twitter/X. Any updates HubSpot?
Our company needs this too! It adds extra work to post on all other platforms through HubSpot but then have to post directly through Twitter. Please get this fixed HubSpot, we would all appreciate it.
I am trying to sell to our organisation why we should use hubspot Marketing Pro, one of the arguments i get is that you are laggin behind with major updates on the social development.
Twitter is an inportant medium for most businesses, could you give us a timeline at least when this is going to be fixed?
It has been over a year now - this needs to be made a priority. Many of us pushed business cases forward to our managers to validate why we should upgrade to Premium so we can all save time when it comes to no longer shortening posts to fit Twitter's 280 characters. This time is now being used to schedule the posts directly in X as well as schedule other platforms from Hubspot, it's so unnecessary time-consuming
We pay for a premium account on X so that we can post tweets up to 25,000 characters but then we can't schedule them and post them from HubSpot because HubSpot doesn't allow you to post a tweet if it's over the limit of a standard tweet. Please fix this so that people can post on Twitter / X when they have a premium account! Thanks.
Adding my voice to this as well - I am astounded this has not been resolved! This is so critical for verified accounts to be able to post to X from within HubSpot rather than having a separate workflow for certain platforms, not to mention for tracking in campaigns. In my opinion, it really lessens the value of the premium Marketing hub. Does HubSpot even take customer feedback seriously?? This is honestly not a good look.
If it's an API issue, then allow users to manually override the limit by checking off if they are a verified account or not. A positive response would manually remove the 280 character limit. If the user erroneously checks off when they are not, in fact, a verified account, only the first 280 characters of the post will be published (make this clear in a one-time popup).
I'm ready to make my clients switch CRM at this point. Marketing through hubspot is pretty pointless if I can't manage all my clients socials in one place.
My previous employer switched to a different SM management tool because of this. I love Hubspot - please prioritise it. It would make a massive difference.