We have several different Sales Teams within our Company, and it is not uncommon for a Sales team member to switch to another team, but this is a reporting nightmare as most of our HubSpot reports are built using HubSpot Teams.
What is happening now:
Once someone switches teams, all of their Revenue (and Activities) moves from the Losing team to the Gaining team, but our Revenue reporting is based on Teams, not an individual user, so for us, that is a big issue, as we have Revenue KPIs for all teams and those obviously get skewed when someone switches.
Right now, I am having to create new Users for anyone that switches teams, (an old user and a new user - old user stays on Losing team, new user is used going forward for Gaining team) in order to save their historical Data with their previous team, but obviously that isn't ideal.
Please considering building a way to go about saving historical Data to the original Team with Team changes, it would be a great help to our Company!