HubSpot Ideas


Payments Beta - needs ability to use existing Stripe account

I'm trying to set up payments but it's forcing me to create a new Stripe account but I want to use my existing Stripe account.
3 Replies

+1 - it is in beta so I'm hopeful that when this goes to production they will improve it.

Unfortunately the functionality of the current beta is pretty bare bones, no ability to do any usage based upgrades or send invoices. In it's current form, it is kind of built for a fictional SMB customer who has very limited billing needs.


Same is happening to me.

This is the message I received from support: "So the information I received is sadly the beta does not allow this function, and would need to create another account to use the beta :(."


Ok, but this really won’t work too well for many of your hubspot clients if not most.  Getting all of our clients to start using a new payment method is not going to work.


As well, there are APIs in hubspot, API keys, etc., so this should not be a big deal.


Let me know if you want to try out any experiments on this.


We are contacting stripe as well to see if anything can be done.

