Option to block free email providers from booking via Meetings link
Since we can block free email providers and certain domains from filling out standard HubSpot forms, it would be great if Meetings link forms could also block those.
I'm happy to share that this is now in a private beta! If you would like to be an early beta tester, you can request access through the product updates section of your portal by following the steps here. We will likely keep approvals small to start before opening a public beta to a wider group. This feature is available for Sales Hub and Service Hub Starter+ seated users.
@CSJr Hi! Thanks for the feedback and some insight to your use case here. This is interesting. Can you tell me a bit more about your reporting and how they're impacted? I'd like to especially learn a bit about this as we consider our next year goals too. Feel free to shoot me a private message or an email!
I've just updated the progress on this to In Planning. We're currently in the final planning phase before we start implementing it, so we're movin' on it!
Thank you so much for all of your wonderful feedback. Thank you to everyone who has met and chatted with me as well! Your feedback has been greatly appreciated as we've been iterating through a solid solution for this in our meetings tool.
We're currently planning this at the moment, and either Melissa or I will be happy to share an update on this as soon as it is implemented. We greatly appreciate your guidance and transparency on this in sharing your feedback and use cases.
Hi folks! I'm the designer for Meetings. I've got a couple iterations to address this very issue and would love to both get some feedback and better understand your use cases to better help how we approach this. If you're interested in a quick convo feel free to shoot me a message and we can get something set up!
I'm Melissa, the Product Manager for HubSpot's Meetings tool.
Thank you all for your feedback! The team has been discussing this request and we agree how important it is. We are actively evaluating how to implement this and considering where it will fall into our plans for this year.
I'll post any updates in this thread once we have an idea on the implementation, and then I'll change the status of this thread to "In Planning" once we are actively building this feature. Stay tuned!
A global setting for all forms might be an idea, with the optiont to opt out on specific forms - instead of the current system where I have to remember to block free providers each time.
Since we can block free email providers and specific domains from the standard HubSpot forms, it would be great if we could also block on the meetings form.
It would be great to block free email providers from being entered on Meetings. One of the challenges I'm facing is tracking PPC conversions, I'm having to check in with the sales team nearly every day to see if the Meeting is a qualified lead or not. This is time-consuming, not to mention annoying to have to constantly pester others when it should be something just automatically done.
Also, seeing conversions go through on AdWords that then end up being spam is very frustrating when trying to report on results to my higher-ups as well. It skews my results and doesn't make anyone happy.
Please make this happen. it is essential for qualification. Also a suggestion was made above to have a global setting to block free emails, and maintain a blocked list.
It would be a great feature if in the meeting links form questions section there was an option to only allow work email addresses (no outlook.com/hotmail.com etc) so as testers/spam accounts won't make their way into our CRM. The meeting links tool is something my company and I use on a very regular basis and so far everything works as we need but this tool would enable us to have a far accurate database of contacts to work with.
No-shows are significantly higher when using a free email, please please implement this soon rather than later! I was very surprised to see I couldn't restrict in meetings, especially when it's the exact same use case as forms!
I know its difficult times, but blocking free email fro cal tool feature request. This has become a burden! People just fill calendar space, create unnecessary noise, and add junk to our CRM. We need to block free/junk emails asap!
Another thing that would help here, and should be easy for Hubspot to implement, is a captcha on the form. Just like the one used when registering for this help site. Getting a large number of obvious spambots signing up for meetings every day means I'm going to soon have to stop using this tool altogether. 😞
It would be great to allow free emails across forms, but then be able to require a business email for scheduling a meeting. Since meetings require time from the sales team, we would like to make sure the people scheduling are more qualified.
Yes - we get a lot of spam bots booking our sales team. Hubspot already has the capability on other email fields. Should be easy to port over the the "meeting" bot.