HubSpot Ideas


Include "Invite Status" and Other Filter Properties in User Table Export

When exporting the list of users from your settings ("user table"), there are several properties that are available as filters, but are not included in the exported file.


Specifically, I would like to request that the "Invite Status" user property be included in the user export file.


We are a large organization with many HubSpot users, and therefore automate our user provisioning. Due to variable onboarding schedules, we often have many users at once who are in the "invite pending" status. This becomes a problem, of course, when a user is in a pending status for more than a few weeks.


As part of our adoption metrics, we look to determine the percentage of weekly/monthly/etc. active users. Since the user analytics tools cannot do this in the UI (yet!), we export the user list and report via Excel. 


There are two key problems with the export function, as it doesn't behave in the way a list or index page export does:


1. All records will be exported, even if you have filters applied. For example, when you export a filtered index page, you can export just those records in your filtered view. So if I apply a filter to only show users with an "Invite Status = pending," that will not be reflected in the export.

This is problematic for us because it will falsely inflate our total number of users when I'd like to only report on accepted users.


2. There is a lack of consistency between the properties shown in the UI filters and the properties being exported. The following properties are not included in the exported file:


  • Invite status (ironically, this is the very first filter listed on the page, and yet it's not included in the export)
  • Access (this is included, but in the export it's called "Permissions")
  • Calendar status
  • Calendar sync
  • Email status
  • Extra teams (this is included, but in the export it's called "Additional teams")
  • Main team (this is included, but in the export it's called "Primary team")
  • Partner
  • Scheduling pages
  • Seat (the export does include a "Paid seat" property, but it does not specify which paid seat the user holds - it simply says "yes/no")


Additionally, when you generate an export, the shown properties are the same each time (and not comprehensive). It should beave similar to an index page or list export where you're asked if you'd like to include all properties or just those in your current view.


While gaining export acess to the "invite status" property is my primary objective here, I imagine it is quite frustrating for other customers to not have access to properties like "Scheduling pages" or "Seat" in their exports as well.


Please update the user table to behave more like an object index page, and more specifically, update the file export to align with the properties shown in the UI filters.






1 Reply
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

Great idea!