HubSpot Ideas


Improve Object Association Search Functionality

Hey there, 

I'd like to propose an improvement to the search functionality when associating objects in HubSpot. The current limitation in searching for companies to associate with contacts or deals is causing inefficiencies and potential errors in our workflow.


When associating a company with a contact or deal, we can only search by company name. This becomes problematic in scenarios where multiple companies share the same or similar names, but are differentiated by other properties such as location or CompanyID.


For example, we work with numerous childcare centers that often have identical names but are located in different cities. When attempting to associate a company, we're presented with multiple options of the same name, making it challenging to identify the correct one without additional context.


That's why I suggest implementing a configurable search function that allows users to search by additional company properties beyond just the company name. This could include:

  • CompanyID
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Custom properties

For example, you may add a dropdown menu or additional search fields next to the company name search, allowing users to select and search by secondary properties.

1 Reply

Agreed, I would ideally like to see location displayed for us as this is a key differentiator - the ideal would be to have one/two configuration options for what might be displayed