There are a lot of suggestions for conditional fields in custom modules, as well as field groups and other variations. I think we need to go significantly further than this. Hubspot and HUBL seem to have different criteria and limitations, depending on where they are used. One significant step forward for use of Hubspot as a CMS could come through adding more capabilities to custom modules:
Conditional fields
More field types in custom modules (grouped check boxes, for one?!)
More liberal use of HUBL in custom modules
Perhaps this last item would be the easiest to accomplish, as it would put the onus on the developer to use HUBL to accomplish the project's goals, vs requiring Hubspot to augment the Custom Module builder UI. If we as developers were able to use all HUBL module types, or perhaps even just an expanded set -- color picker, CTA, flexible column!!, form, image src, etc..., we could build significantly more complex interfaces on our own within the system. We could also use HUBL code to make fields conditional ourselves -- as long as the Hubspot dev team reflected those conditionals in the page editor.
(FWIW, it is possible to drop hubl modules into a custom module now, but the fields in the page editor are not grouped with the other custom module fields.)