Helpdesk - Create new ticket when forwarding to other helpdesk team email
In our account we have 2 email channels connected to the helpdesk with their own seperate ticket pipeline.
Currently HubSpot doesn't create a new ticket automatically, when an email which was originally send to the first team email and then forwarderd to the second team email (also connected to helpdesk).
The fwd: email does come into the emailbox (outside of HubSpot).
The issue here is that the first team, puts the ticket on ''closed", because for them the work is done (they forwarded it) and the other team should follow-up, but they don't because they don't see the ticket in their view and ticket pipeline.
The workaround they now use is, updating the ticket pipeline and ticket status so the other team sees the original ticket in there view.
It would be great if the other team gets a new ticket for them.