HubSpot Ideas


Functionality + support for branding in Dark Mode

Hi there


As many may have noticed, big brands are starting to add in the option to view UI in Dark Mode. When we send out an email, our branding currently uses dark text - as most email clients (up until now) have had a light background. If we were to send out an email with our current logo and the user views it with their UI set to Dark Mode, it will appear like this:

dark mode.png

We have reached out to find out whether HubSpot can send out the suitable logo version (either light text or dark text) depending on the user's interface preference, but there is currently no support for this.


Has anyone else experienced this same issue? We are not interested in changing our branding just to resolve this issue (some suggestions have been to add a stroke around the text or change the shade of the writing...)


Can HubSpot please consider support for this? We believe the inclusion of Dark Mode as a UI option will only increase going forward.




154 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner

Voting for this idea! Considering how important marketing emails have become this year - and how prolific dark mode has become, I hope that this can get expedited.

Member | Partner

It's been almost a year now, has there been any update on this?


We are having the same problems with our emails. It seems to invert all of the colors on HTML emails too. Even if we start in a dark color, the "dark mode" will flip it to a light color.


This is massive for us, too. Up to 80% of people are estimated to be using Dark Mode, depending on the platform. My GOD. 


Same here - this is not good form. Is there no fix or workaround at all? 


Kind regards,




Same here - our background color and button colors get changed to weird colors that don't match our branding in darkmode - @ Hubspot - any update on this? It seems weird to have to upvote something that's been commonplace in the tech industry for almost a year now. 


Exactly! The text is adjusting automatically; however, our logo and the images we place inside the email are barely visible with the dark mode! I Hope HubSpot can help us with this problem ASAP.




Hello... Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

I'm sure this is difficult from a programming perspective. But it would be awesome if there were assets for each mode and depending on the setting for the email client it could pull the design assets and settings for dark mode.


Until then, we'll figure out a design workaround for assets like our transparent.png logos, etc. to effectively look decent in both modes.


We have the same issue - It would be great if you have soon a solution for it!


Hubspot, please! this is a real problem


Just upvoted, having a way to manage dark mode while we're creating the email is becoming necessary more than optional. We've all seen the numbers, in this year the use of dark mode is going to increase significantly. 


Yes, very good idea!


We got the problem about this too. Do u have any idea about this? If we using it as HTML and CSS, it will be messy when I put the css dark mode inline on the html.


Same issue - this is VERY important for Accessibility!!


Please make this an option! We need this badly. Thanks!


I agree, this is important and relatively easy to fix! At least the icons shouldn't have a white background, they should be transparent. Please Mr. Hubspot! 🙂 


Was searching through boards for something about this topic because it's a problem for us as well, and came across this post  which just had a Hubspot partner redirecting them here. 


And *shocker* there are no responses here from anyone with Hubspot. Guess Ill just keep doing what Im doing and hope people only open our emails during daylight hours. 


Chiming in to say this is also very important for us as well.


Marketing emails look great for light mode but when the customer views the email in dark mode the entire design is thrown off. It would be nice if Hubspot supported the ability to control what emails looked like in both light and dark mode.

Not applicable

As someone who uses dark mode, this has become a huge pet peeve of mine - so many emails use jpg with white background instead of png and you end up with little white boxes all over the email.


While this is only one factor many businesses are overlooking, I think dark mode is going to be around for a while and there should at least be a toggle to preview in dark mode - if not a separate version like the plain text editor.


This is an excellent idea, we'd love the option to switch between light/dark mode and tweak the email design accordingly!