Hi, Account Activity API Endpoint provide helpful data which helps Monitoring Team. The endpoint does not supports Parameters or filters option so that team dedecated to certain operation who need specific data or develop a automation process can fileter out relevant data similar to Search API or any other object API.
Use case: Being from Data Operation team I would wnat to keep a log of Object CRUD opeations and be able to filter and dget data based on Action catgory and subcategory and a date range of occurence onwhcih i would be able to filter. CurrentlyI am getting all data from audit log using https://api.hubapi.com/account-info/v3/activity/audit-logs endpoint with at max20 result alogn with next page id on which i have to again call and API again. Instaed filter would help me reduce the API call and overll time and resource to get the relavant data