HubSpot Ideas


Double Opt-in Enrollment Feature for Workflows

If double-opt in is enabled within a portal, we always need to set an additional enrollment trigger on workflows that send marketing emails, to ensure that only contacts with confirmed DOI status will be enrolled and sent the email. The only "workaround" is to set the additional workflow enrollment trigger as:


  • Marketing Email Confirmation Status is any of:
    • Confirmed
    • User clicked confirmed
    • HubSpot Rep. marked confirmed
    • Customer marked confirmed
    • Confirmed from previous behavior




What happens currently is that contacts are enrolled in the workflow, regardless of their DOI status, which results in the marketing emails not being delivered. There is a lot of manual work involved in having to assess these contacts and manually resend the email. 


It would be immensely beneficial to have a double opt-in enrollment feature for workflows in portals where double opt-in is activated. I was imaging some sort of option that when activated in the workflow, will only enroll contacts with DOI confirmed without having to set additional enrollment triggers. 


This is currently causing a lot of confusion for customers, especially in Germany where DOI is a legal requirement. Additionally, there are multiple values for Marketing Email Confirmation Status which makes overcomplicates this even more.

Status aktualisiert zu: Being Reviewed
May 28, 2024 11:16 AM

Hello everyone,

I’m Markie, a Product Manager working within HubSpot’s Messaging Experience group. Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. We are exploring options on how to best support this. Any additional news about this feature request will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned. 



36 Kommentare


we have to enable GDPR and collect someones confirmation (Double Opt-In) before communicating via email. So we need to sent out HubSpots Double Opt-In email whenever a new contact is created in HubSpot.


Thus, it would be very helpful to trigger sending of Double Opt-In email in workflows.


Example use case: Gotowebinar Registration

Customer signs up for Webinar

-> Customer is synced to HubSpot (via Integration)

-> Workflow sends out Double Opt-In email everytime a new customer signs up for a webinar

-> Customer is able to confirm his registration


Currently it's not possible to send this kind of email in workflow.



HubSpot Employee

This would be immensely helpful!


Agree. Users tend to forget to add the additional enrollment trigger on marketing email confirmation status. In case they forget it, it is not a legal problem (because marketing emails will not be sent without DOI), however there are other problems involved:

HubSpot will attempt to send the marketing email again and again for (I think) 24 hours on an hourly basis which leads to 24  timeline entries (email could not be sent) if the contact does not click the DOI link. If the contacts do not click the DOI link within 24 hours, they will not receive the marketing email at all.

Mitglied | Elite Partner



I also need this feature to send opt-in emails when new contact is imported or created via API


I don't know if this is new or not, but I was able to create an email with a button that links to "Email Subscription Link" with Subscription Type = "Subscription Confirmation" and added this email to my workflow.


Ich find es sehr bedauerlich, dass man im Sales Starter keinen Workflow für Double Opt In anlegen kann. Die standardisierte Mail ist schlecht und jeder wird mit Vornamen angesprochen.

Kann man das ändern?

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Diamond Partner

This would be a major improvement. And there's so much more around DOI handling in HubSpot that urgently requires improvement, e.g. multi-language opt-in emails. Come on, HubSpot – you can do it! 🙂

Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner

Ich finde die Regelung, diese nicht ändern zu können ja "in Ordnung".
Allerdings sollte es zumindest die Wahl zwischen verschiedenen Ansprache-Optionen geben.

Einer unserer Kunden ist wirklich sehr unglücklich mit der flapsigen Ansprache der Standard-Mail. Sehr milde ausgedrückt.


Honestly, I don't understand why this still hasn't been taken care off.

The option is available to manually set this value at contact level so why not making this available for workflows. When I tried to achieve this 2 years ago it was already a highly needed option... now more than 2 years ago and millions of people following the GPRD regulations while working at an international company I would expect that Hubspot sorted this out by now.


I see this exactly like Menno and don't understand how HubSpot can't be active here.


I can only repeat that it is absolutely illogical to be able to trigger this function manually per bulk even, but it is not available as an option in the workflows.


Especially when working with other systems that synchronize with HubSpot this is an absolute problem!


Best Regards



Calling on Hubspot to provide updates on this request. 

Status aktualisiert zu: Not Currently Planned

Hey folks,


I've connected with the Product team about this Idea and wanted to provide an update. We appreciate your feedback as it's helped us see the need for this double-opt-in feature, but at this time we don't have immediate plans to build this. This is certainly something we'd like to tackle as the resources became available, so please continue to leave feedback on this thread.




Ideas Forum Manager


Commenting this on behalf of a customer! 

This would be a great feature to introduce, especially when using the Shopify integration to create customers, since this integration does not automatically double opt-in customers. 

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner

This would be very helpful indeed!

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner

True. This feature in HubSpot is very 'light'. It is present, but you could also argue it is not. Because there are many instances where this process isn't waterproof. Please do invest in this.

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner

IMO this DOI feature is unfinished, not only for above-mentioned issue with workflows but also for

  • external contacts generated > FB / LI lead ad forms
  • manually created contacts 
  • not being able to send double opt-in reminder emails

At this point if you use this feature you have a guarantee of decreasing your data quality.

Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner

This feature would be amazing!! 


Chiming in to +1 this idea. 

Stratege/Strategin | Elite Partner

I would like to see this feature reconsidered by HubSpot. Being able to set double opt-in in a workflow and/or trigger another DOI email to be sent to contacts is needed.