HubSpot Ideas


Do not store a prerender if it contains a failed call to the hubdb api



The 24th and 26th of May, for an hour or less, the hubdb API had a memory insufficiency leading to failed calls. This problem has been resolved for now.

On those days, prerendered pages were stored with the result of failed hudbd calls. They were delivered like this for more than 6 hours without a way for us to reset the prerendering cache.

No prerendering is better than wrong prerendering in my opinion, so those pages with failed calls should not have been stored in cache.


Who is the feature for? Everyone who uses hubdb on webpages and blog posts.

What is their goal? Having content from hubdb delivered to their clients (in our case, including conversions methods such as CTAs)

What value will this add? Robustness

Examples: most CDNs have tools to control them, hubspot customers don't have any access.