HubSpot Ideas


Create social reports in dashboard for specific social accounts

As of now we can't create specific reports to each social media account connected to Hubspot. As a global company we have many social pages from different companies. Hence we need each of those countries to only look at their country data of social activities. So it important for us to have this feature to add on our specific dashboards

19 Replies

Hello HubSpot community,


I'm hoping for the ability to select different social media accounts (across networks) to customize to more reporting needs. This feature is especially beneficial for companies with a wide variety of networks and properties.


For example, a brand's Miami location will have an Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn account. That same brand in Tokyo will also have an Instgram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn account to support their local needs.


Currently, HubSpot either views "all networks" or data by network, meaning only "All Facebook accounts," "All Instagram accounts," etc. This is not useful if we wanted to look at the individual property — I want to be able to see how Miami performed on social (Miami's Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn as a group) versus how Tokyo did (with Tokyo's Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn accounts grouped).


Is there a workaround for this currently? I attempted grouping the account posts by adding a campaign, but there are limitations with this, as well. (Such as certain posts not fitting necessarily into one campaign, posted natively, etc.)


Thank you for your help!

Member | Elite Partner

I agree! We'd like to be able to add social medial reports to our dashboard that show stats as they relate to our company LinkedIn profile, but currently you can only add these reports to show the total of all connected accounts.


Agree with the ideas from both posters above. Also, I'd like there to be a way of creating custom reporting on social media activity. Specifically, creating a custom report on social posting activity by channel and date/time, to see which posts get the most engagement.


100% agree.

We have 12 different offices operating under the one HubSpot org and need to find a way to report on Social Media by country / office.

This is a standard feature available in social media managment tools (Hootsuite, Sprinklr, etc) so we would love to see this rolled out to HubSpot.

Currently, we do not have the ability to share social media performance by country due to this limitation.



Guide | Elite Partner

This idea would be really helpful with the addition of business units, you could then add different accounts on social media to different business units for better reporting, better reporting and clearer segmentation of the different businesses.

Top Contributor | Elite Partner

We have a client that has two brands in their HubSpot instance and need to be able to report on their networks separately. This needs to be a feature in HubSpot!

Participant | Diamond Partner

Agree fully with Nicole! It's a broader problem that should be resolved: Business units should be able to act more as a container within an account. 


We've run into this pretty early on in getting our Marketing Team onboarded. We are also utilizing business units, so some users just want to see analyics from just their business units pages.


Couldn't agree more. Would need to report on each type of social profile seperately for each brand as well. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter. Anyone know if this feature has been added yet? 


I've dropped a message to our Success Manager to see if there have been any updates.


Bump - desperately need this, looking after multiple accounts on multiple channels!


Agree on account reporting and buisness units. As it stands, our 6 companies each have their own business unit but that feature isn't available in social reporting. Additionally, each company has it's own set of social media accounts and as it stands I have to manually pull the data for each companies accounts to a spreadsheet to report to our leadership team on each's companies accounts. It does me no good to report on all accounts - each company has it's own goals.


This is a major issue. We have multiple brands and clients so a report for all accounts is not helpful. 


BUMP — this is a must have feature. To allow us to separate everything else by business units, but not create specific reporting dashboards per business unit or property seems like a massive oversight.


Why would a company that operates multiple lines of business choose HubSpot if they need 10 other tools to report?

Demonstrating the ROI from HubSpot is made all the more difficult as a result. We'll see if we are still using HubSpot in a year...

Member | Diamond Partner

I totally agree! My client only has 3 LinkedIn accounts for 3 separate initiatives and you can see the results for all 3, but as soon as you click off 1 account, the Save Report grays out. I'm not a developer, but this would seem to be an "easy/easier" fix. Thanks!

Top Contributor | Elite Partner

Still need this capability. Being able to report on ALL of our clients social accounts is a must-have.


This would be a huge time saver for those who need to report on multiple brands' social performance. This platform has become all about the upsell. The way this is set up now is not useful for reporting and requires manual processes like taking screenshots and having to re-create reports into a PDF. Offering this capability in an enterprise-only license is a disservice to the marketing community. 

Top Contributor | Elite Partner

I agree with @KBayait and that social reporting should be available not only at the enterprise-level but at the professional-level too. It is embarrassing that HubSpot can't provide the reports need for social accounts.

Top Contributor | Elite Partner

Still need the capability to report on all social accounts separately. It is embarassing when I have to recommend a client use another social platform to quickly and accurately monitor and report on their various social accounts. As basic as the social tool is in HubSpot, it may as well be available on the Starter level.