HubSpot Ideas


Completely Automated Billing and Subscriptions

Hey Hubspot team,

Really love what you've done so far with Commerce Hub and great job with your constant useful releases!

I'm a Growth Ops Manager who is one step away from being able to completely automate our billing process with your platform. There's just one piece missing. The ability to convert a deal into a subscription automatically with a workflow.

We would combine this with what we already have which is a form to collect and mark the billing contact, then convert the deals to subscriptions, and then we have your new invoice reminders feature to ensure that those get paid.

Please build the feature to set up a subscription with a workflow and have the ability to set payment terms/copy the start date from a deal property within the same workflow and then we can fully automate billing.

Also by the way you really should allow creation of subscriptions before the current date (IE backdating their terms) because the cutoff being 5pm the same day we close deals is pretty hard to work with.

1 Reply

Subscriptions needs a lot of help and a lot to be desired.
Currently, when I convert a deal to a subscription, there is NO automation whatsoever.
Whats the purpose of converting if it doesnt bring anything over?

Also, we have a legacy product line we are trying to bring over into subscriptions, but I cannot as I cant back date a subscription at all.

There isnt really any work-around other than wait till the next erenewal leaving all the revenue reporting for the 2024 year out of the equation.