Need to be able to clone an individual deal. This is helpful for recurring revenue organizations and building MRR. Please!
Update from @JoeMayall: Due to a technical error on HubSpot’s end, this thread has an inflated upvote count. As of June 10th, 2020, we estimate this thread has around 500 upvotes. I'll continue to update this count as the thread receives upvotes."
Basic feauture available on other CRMs. This should have been implemented the year this request was created (2017). It will save a lot of time for operations and sales team members.
@TWust just incase you didn't know Clone Attack allows you to duplicate tickets and deals. It can also be used in workflows to automatically duplicate tickets and deals for you!
Hey @JasonTisdall I'm not that technical, so I used an app called "Deal Duplicator" for HubSpot… it was really easy and it was free and it carried all elements of the deals (you only have to pay if automation is needed).
We are five years into this suggestion. It is inconceivable that any CRM package supporting a SAAS model would not have this capability. Please provide an update ASAP on when this baseline functionality for SAAS businesses will be included in the baseline CRM system.
This is a really simple function that should have been introduced years ago. The amount of continued interest over the last 5 years and countless community posts should be a sign to prioritise this update!