HubSpot Ideas


Cloning a Deal

Need to be able to clone an individual deal. This is helpful for recurring revenue organizations and building MRR. Please! Smiley Happy


Update from @JoeMayallDue to a technical error on HubSpot’s end, this thread has an inflated upvote count. As of June 10th, 2020, we estimate this thread has around 500 upvotes. I'll continue to update this count as the thread receives upvotes."

729 Replies
Top Contributor

Great to see lots of people having this same need. Is anyone from HubSpot here and can give us an update if and when this is being pushed to the product team? It's been two years now since this was requested; with 200+ upvotes and 100 comments for what seems to be a pretty basic feature. Thank you!


There is a way to do this but it requires automation, creating a new contact field, and two workflows. I don't have the time or space to say how to do this in this forum, but if you shoot me an email at - I can make sure to get back to you with an explanation on how I set up this necessary feature in our HubSpot CRM. It's not an apples-to-apples duplication, but it can help speed up the process of manually creating repeat deals.


Must have

Participant | Elite Partner

Hey guys! Our team has created a HubSpot widget that specifically allows you to duplicate a deal just by clicking a button on the deal record. We are going to be launching our beta testing program very soon - sign up here if you'd like to get access to this feature!


We would need this feature! 



YES please! 


The ability to clone a deal would be VERY helpful to us at BRODY, too. It would see endless time creating deals that are similar to previous ones (except for maybe the date or another minor detail).


PLEASE allow cloning of deals. Would save many of us a lot of time and aggravation.


Thank you!

Miryam Roddy


I don't think anyone at HubSpot is listening. Weird, because this is basic functionality that I've seen in other CRMs. I'm unfollowing this thread because I'm tired of seeing all the other users chiming in that they need this and seeing no response from HubSpot. Well, what do you want for nothing?


Hey Hubspot has done it, they developed a widget that will clone deals, it is being tested and will be available to all shortly!

Participant | Elite Partner

Quick update! We launched our beta widget that allows you to duplicate deals right from the deal record. Feedback so far has been positive! Check it out:



Cloning a deal with all its properties would be absolutely needed for many different use cases. For example when a deal is made with a parent company but regards many daughter companies. You want to clone the deal (sometimes many many times) instead of having to import them.


I think I have a fairly good workaround.

Essentially I have created a workflow that generates a deal from a contact and copies across all the key fields (I obviously had to have duplicate field tpes in the contact and the deal).

When I need to duplicate the deal I just run the contact to deal workflow again.


Yes, would 100% agree here. Hubspot while a powerful tool, seems to be fairly focused on certain typical types of businesses. For example, we're a in-app publisher management platform. While there would be one company, that company could/will have a number of apps. While each app is from the same company, they could have unique elements that need to be tracked. Without the ability to clone, we will need to set these all up seperately, which with the Hubspot default properties and our custom properties is very time consuming. This was not somehting that we had a clear understaning of when signing up and and explaining our business model, and will definately be a reason for leaving. There are countless scenarios I can think of, so I have to assume this is on the roadmap. 


Has anyone tried the Revlabs solution? It sounds great but hard to tell anything about the company based on their website. Would be great to have some current user reviews.


@JamesWa- I integrated their solution last week, which is super simple and can be removed pretty easy. Overall we're just launching with Hubspot, so I've only run a couple tests to see how it functions, but it does work as expected with cloning a deal.

Community Manager

Thanks for sharing @JasonTisdall!


same here! Agree!


This would really be a timesaving feature. I would like to emphazize the need for this to be developed in the near future! We can clone all sorts of things like reports, filters, lists and marketing stuff. SO why not clone deals?








Would be good to get this into HubsSpot ASAP! 


Yes it would be great to clone a deal - We could use it to clone the deal from our sales pipeline in our marketing (campaign) pipeline. It is important to have every e-mail, conversation & information at one glance that we don´t have to click through multiple deals in different pipelines.

