HubSpot Ideas


Better control access for developers to use HubSpot APIs

If developers need access to Private Apps to use HubSpot APIs, then they have to be given Super Admin access to be able to access private apps.  There should be a specific permission setting to restrict access beyond granting Super Admin to the user.

HubSpot Updates
In Beta
May 31, 2024 10:23 AM

Hi All! This feature is now in private beta. The steps to join a beta can be found in the KB here


Feel free to reach out to me with any feedback on the new Developer permissions!

In Planning
April 05, 2024 10:42 AM

Hi everyone! 


Thank you for posting this idea. This is definitely something we've gotten feedback on, and I wanted to share with this thread that we're actively working on addressing this issue. I'll keep this group updated with our beta plans. 


Thanks all!

4 Replies

I totally agree with this, it seems odd to have to grant an external developer Super Admin permission set in order to add the app into an environment and then remove at permission again. 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone! 


Thank you for posting this idea. This is definitely something we've gotten feedback on, and I wanted to share with this thread that we're actively working on addressing this issue. I'll keep this group updated with our beta plans. 


Thanks all!


Hi - 


Please remove the requirement that a SuperAdmin is the only permission type that can access a Private App. 

I am the SuperAdmin for our team. I am not a developer, so I need to enlist the help of our Development/Business Intelligence team to use HubSpot data in some of our 3rd party reporting tools.

Creating the App within the interface was simple. And, I provided my team with credentials and documentation for how to access the App in a JIRA ticket. The ticket then got assigned out to a Junior developer on our team.

I learned that in order for him to use the API, I have to give the Junior Developer SuperAdmin access to our HubSpot account. That is A LOT of power for a Junior Developer and I am requesting that you make accessing Private Apps similar to how you can set permissions for Custom Objects, etc. or just remove the SuperAdmin requirement. 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi All! This feature is now in private beta. The steps to join a beta can be found in the KB here


Feel free to reach out to me with any feedback on the new Developer permissions!