My sales reps REALLY REALLY NEED this feature. They are on the road all day working from their iPads and iPhones, not the luxury of our office desktops. Having to log in to their PC's remotely takes them a lot of time and frustrates them. It's important for Hubspot to remember that a great number of reps are always on the road or traveling, not in a cushy office with access to a desktop.
From time-to-time we've had users request the ability to add attachments to contacts using our Mobile Apps. Is this a feature you'd like? How would you use it? How often would you use it? Let us know and get voting!
We sell equipment into commercial buildings and our salesman take a ton of pictures on site visits. I would be great to upload pictures and a voice memo to a deal using the app.
Yes this is a big need for one of our businesses... when our reps are out in the field they take pics for potential projects and need ability to add the pics and notes right from their phones while they are out... the ability to take a pic from the Hubspot mobile app itself would be best so it automatically allows us to upload pics to a thread or add pics to a folder.
Yes, this would be a great addition. My reps and I have iPads out in the field. When we are working with prospects or existing clients it is would be advantageous to send a tracked email with a couple of PDF attachments. Please help soon!
This is a much needed feature for the app! My employees need the ability to send pictures to clients easily. They are almost never near a desktop computer! Due to the nature of our company pictures are a HUGE part of our sales process AND quality controll process.. this needs to be added.
It would be great if HubSpot could add to the "tracked emails from the app" by also including the ability to send out tracked documents for Salespeople who are on the go.
My use cases are similar, REALLY need to be able to view Service Hub tickets on the mobile app as well as upload photos to that ticket from a smart phone/ipad. Please develop this ASAP!
Is there any progress on the feature? We have leads filling in paper forms during events and would like to keep a copy online as proof they gave us permission to send them emails, etc. - GDPR.
I also realllllllly need this functionality. We need the ability to upload pictures from the app! Our sales team is constantly on the road adn needs to upload images of new projects we are actively pursuing. Come on Hubspot! Make this happen PLEASEEEEE!!!
Thank you! However, is there a way to actually open documents on mobile that were uploaded already? I am failing to open the files pr download them on mobile using the app.
I agree with everybudy that has posted on this thread. The ability to add attachments and photos via the mobile app is a crucial enhancement that needs to be made. My sales team needs this feature.
This is a much-needed feature! We can't persuade our client to use HubSpot unless they have the ability to store files to a contact from a mobile device. This is more or less a deal breaker for them.