HubSpot Ideas


An option to delete tags from the knowledge base

Once a tag is created in the Knowledge Base it can't be deleted. So misspelled or out of date tags can still be used by the article creators. It doesn't affect the visitor/viewer of the articles, but keeping things clean and organized is a must in tools like HubSpot.


2024 edit: still no word/update on this basic feature

25 Replies

Yes, I have the same issue. Madness. Please let us delete tags and keywords


I also have an issue with not being able to remove knowledge base tags. My organization are wanting to start adding Time-critical knowledge base articles and the only solution is via the tags. This could result in hundreds if not thousands of tags which after their date will never be used and so will clutter the frequently used ones. It is surprising, that this is not an option, especially where it is possible to remove Marketing blog tags.



Today, if I make a typo or decide to want to edit a Knowledgebase Tag, it requires contacting the support team. 


I upvoted this, because I have the same issue.


In the current state:

Considering if you did a typo, then you need to be very cautious to not use the wrong one in future. Not very user friendly from an administrative point of view. If you then are not the only person who is creating articles for the knowledge base, you might need to have a list for review what tags are misspelled.



A HubSpot admin created a test tag while helping me troubleshoot and now there is no way to remove it. 

We're just getting started with Knowledge Base but I can see how the tag list will grow very quickly. A delete option is needed.


Yes, I agree with all the comments posted here. It goes without saying that people make spelling mistakes now and again or want to change the tag in some way. So you should be able to edit and delete them if removed from all curently tagged articles in exactly the same way you can do with categories ansd subcategories. This is basic editing stuff.


Is there any chance that this edit/delete option could be included ? 


Totally Agree!


I would like to add:

1) It would be also helpful to be able to have TAG MANAGER, to import, modify and delete tags from the Tags repository. 

2) Being able to bulk create tags so that article creators will only have to use existing tags instead of creating new every time one by one.

3) Multi-language or translations for tags (meaning the tag is basically the same, but it has a translation adapted to the language of the knowledge base, like categories)

Top Contributor

I really like the ideas from @TommasoSpagnoli 


At the least, we need to be able to edit and delete tags. Tags seem not well thought-through by Hubspot with the lack of this editing feature.


Wow, it should be so EASY to delete or even just rename a tag if I typed it in wrong.  Please fix this, it's really weird that I just have to live with incorrect tags and typos forever.


So much functionality available in HubSpot's blog tool that would also be useful in the KB, this included. Please consider implementing! 

Hall of Famer

This is really frustrating to not be able to delete a tag, typos happen, like DSVGO vs DSGVO - and even when I think I have it straight, I doubt myself when I see the tag and have to look it up just to make sure I have it right...


Blog topics can be centrally managed, the same should be possible for the Knowledge Base.

Most Valuable Member | Elite Partner

A great feature fix to help Service Hub grow in usability. 


I just imported some knowledge base articles to test the feature and found out after it was too late that these tags cannot be deleted, so this would be a very helpful feature to help clean up and organize our knowledge base.


Agreed, tag management would be great!

Especially when you are not the only one creating them, if someone mispells something, I'd like to remove it.  Also using upper and lower case can result in duplicate content.

Also as part of deleting tags, it would be great if it would give you a list of the articles using the tag about to be deleted so you can change these first.  Validation on not being able to remove a tag/keyword if it is used on a draft or published article may be good too, so as to not be able to remove a tag that is in use on a draft or published article (archived would be ok).


Completely agree - it works so nicely in the Blog. The Knowledge Base also needs some love - and the option to delete, edit, manage, and create multi-language versions of tags.


Upvoted and bump with a comment.


Upvoting! I have some old tags that are no longer relevant that are just causing confusion.


Another clearly defined and rational user request that continues to be ignored. We cannot even examine the whole list. Ridiculous.

It is frustrating that requests that don't impact directly on machine performance are considered "low priority" but the impact they have on user experience, time wasted by users having to find work-arounds, or just ploughing through endless checks that would be a breeze if there was some indexing, or some access, or some export capability - that isn't low priority - that's our daily experience working with this app...