Welcome to the HubSpot community. Whether you’re new to HubSpot or a HubSpot pro, we’re glad to have you here.
The community consists of HubSpot employees, partners, experts, customers, and users. If you’re a free user coming to the community for support, we’re glad to have you.
How to Get Support From the Community
1. Find the area most relevant to your question. Our product discussion areas are aligned with our product hubs, so if you’re not sure where to post, start by looking at what tool you’re using within HubSpot.
2. Post your question with as much information as possible. Check out our toolkit for posting a great question as a starting point. The more information you can share, the better the community can assist.
You can post your question by clicking the "create post" button on the individual board.
3. If you want to review other resources, check out the HubSpot Help Center to review our knowledge base articles and previous community threads.
Once you’ve posted your question, you’ll hear back from a community member. We have a broad range of members, including partners, employees, customers, and free members, all of whom are equipped to help answer your questions. You may also get multiple answers to your question, and that’s a good thing! The more knowledge shared, the better.
If you ever need to get a hold of someone specific in the community, check out our Who’s Who post for a breakdown of who does what in the HubSpot community.
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