Getting Started on the Community

by: Community Manager
Community Manager

HOW TO: Edit your Community profile and avatar

Congratulations! You've created a user on the HubSpot Community! 


When you sign up for the Community you'll choose your username and first and last name during the registration process. 


Please note: if you are looking to edit your Community user's username, please reach out to a member of the Community team for assistance.


To maximize the potential of your Community user, you'll want to customize your profile and avatar within the Community.


To edit your user's profile and avatar, follow the steps below: 


1. Navigate to (or any page on the Community).


2. If you are not logged in, click "sign in to Community" from the top right hand corner.


Community HomepageCommunity Homepage


3. Once you're logged in, click on the profile icon from the top navigation


Community top navigationCommunity top navigation


4. Select "my settings" 


5. Once you are in the settings section, navigate to "personal information" to update the fields on the profile page. 


6. To edit your avatar, select the avatar heading within the navigation. You can choose from a selection of avatars, or upload your own picture. 


Updating profile and avatar on HubSpot CommunityUpdating profile and avatar on HubSpot Community


7. To see these changes reflected, click on the profile icon from the top navigation and select "profile"


Community top navigationCommunity top navigation


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If you decide to close your Community account, please follow the instructions for how to close your Community account.