How do I get the URL of my marketing email content in a table?
Hi! We use Salesforce as our main CRM and HubSpot for our marketing activities. Our marketing team produces many marketing emails from HubSpot, from which we sync the Opens & Clicks to Salesforce using the default SF<>HS integrator.
Now, in SF, our reps only see the subject line of such marketing emails - they are unable to view the content. Thus, we got the idea, that it should be possible to fetch the Marketing Email Website Version URL, and push it to Salesforce with a custom API integration or at least a recurring upload (as each marketing email in HubSpot does allow you to view the email given a few clicks).
Unfortunately, we can't find where this URL field resides. We assumed it would be on the Marketing Emails table (we're using Snowflake to scour through the data), and that table contains the fields URL, absoluteURL, and publishedURL. However, these fields refer to some temporary-slug URL (which returns a 404 error in our website), not the actual Website Version of the email.
Is there anyone who had experience with a similar issue and had found a solution (either to the problem as a whole or just the problem of getting the Website Version URL from HubSpot data)?
How do I get the URL of my marketing email content in a table?
Hey Jaycee! Thanks for your reply. Here's some more details as to what we're trying to do: 1. We sync Opened/Clicked marketing emails to Salesforce, they appear as this:
2. We then looked for these emails on the same person in HubSpot:
3. We clicked on the email (the blue text), to get this:
4. We then clicked on the Email Preview (hover over the email and click "View Email"), to get taken to this:
We want our reps to be able to get to this same place in Salesforce.
To do that we proceed to
5. Trying to find the URL of this preview in the backend:
We get these 3 URL properties. Unfortunately, all of them lead us to a page like this:
Thus we cannot find a way to click into the email preview from the backend. We see the same properties when we use the API.
creating a marketing email and sending it to my email address
made a request to the above endpoint
tested the link returned for the property
this value matches the URL set in the email settings for this specific email
Can you share an example of where the link provided doesn't match what is set up and showing in the email settings page for a specific email? That might help give our community members more information.