Associate a Contact to deal but bot have it be buyer in quotes
We have a need to print a Contact bio in a quote but that requires checking a box under buyers in order to make this available to the template. This causes the buyer field to be populated by non buyers (these contacts are essentially the deal owner but we need their Contact object info).
I can edit all the quote templates to filter buyers by some field etc but thats not ideal.
I cannot auto generate the qupte using the API and therefore manage these associations.
What options am I missing? If they add a contact and dont check the box on left side of quote builder they are not available in the template.
I have tried making a custom object to maintain a deal to contact relation but due to the security issues I cannot fetch the related contact of that custom object.
Associate a Contact to deal but bot have it be buyer in quotes
Makes sense.
Would it work to use deal sync properties to pull in the values from the relevant associated contact and then use these as personalisation tokens in the quote template?
Associate a Contact to deal but bot have it be buyer in quotes
Makes sense.
Would it work to use deal sync properties to pull in the values from the relevant associated contact and then use these as personalisation tokens in the quote template?
Associate a Contact to deal but bot have it be buyer in quotes
@cyberwombat - Have you tried using an association label on the contacts who are 'Deal owners' and using personalisation tokens in the quote template to populate using the values from contacts assocaited to the deal with that association label, and whom wouldn't have to be checked as a buyer?
Associate a Contact to deal but bot have it be buyer in quotes
I have not tried that but when I fetch quote.associated_objects.contacts there is nothing unless I check the contact box on left. Finding the right contact would not be an issue - problem is there are zero contacts.