
Member since ‎Jul 15, 2019
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Olivia Englert

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November 05, 2021
Agree! We would like to create a task to be due based on the meeting activity date
Olivia_Englert on August 04, 2021
In the admin for properties, it would be great if the create date could be displayed. This is only available through the API today and not in the UI. We need to know when hubspot creates a property without notification so that our data ingestion read more
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Olivia_Englert on October 12, 2020
Hubspot today will automatically create a new contact for a customer who submits a form if the email is not present on another contact record. I would like the ability for hubspot to allow for admins to add criteria to check if other spec read more
June 25, 2020
I am able to see the active pipelines that are used, but how can I see any pipelines that may have been deleted in the past?
April 27, 2020
@finn We previously used both Calendly and Hubspot. Calendly was great and the integration worked just fine. The main reason for transition to more
April 14, 2020
Running into the exact same issue John Cook ability to change who the meeting is assigned to in HubSpot. This makes reporting off if a more
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