
Member since ‎Jul 11, 2019
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Catarina Correia

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ds_cv on February 05, 2019
I've set up a workflow that creates a deal in our sales pipeline when the lead status of a contact is changed. The problem is that the timeline activity/emails from the contact or others from the company is not synced automatically with the deal in read more
October 09, 2019
Please!! we need this so baddly!
catarinacorreia on July 11, 2019
When i try to integrate the FB messenger hubspot say that page is already connected like this: But the conversations are not appearing anywhere, and i can't see the page on inbox. What am i doing in wrong way?
0 upvote
30 Replies
July 15, 2019
AAH That was the reason!! Ok now on the right page. Thank you for your patience to helping us on this. BTW, how long this connection need to more
catarinacorreia on July 11, 2019
When i try to integrate the FB messenger hubspot say that page is already connected like this: But the conversations are not appearing anywhere, and i can't see the page on inbox. What am i doing in wrong way?
0 upvote
30 Replies
July 15, 2019
AAH That was the reason!! Ok now on the right page. Thank you for your patience to helping us on this. BTW, how long this connection need to more
catarinacorreia on July 11, 2019
When i try to integrate the FB messenger hubspot say that page is already connected like this: But the conversations are not appearing anywhere, and i can't see the page on inbox. What am i doing in wrong way?
0 upvote
30 Replies
July 15, 2019
AAH That was the reason!! Ok now on the right page. Thank you for your patience to helping us on this. BTW, how long this connection need to more
catarinacorreia on July 11, 2019
When i try to integrate the FB messenger hubspot say that page is already connected like this: But the conversations are not appearing anywhere, and i can't see the page on inbox. What am i doing in wrong way?
0 upvote
30 Replies
July 15, 2019
AAH That was the reason!! Ok now on the right page. Thank you for your patience to helping us on this. BTW, how long this connection need to more
catarinacorreia on July 11, 2019
When i try to integrate the FB messenger hubspot say that page is already connected like this: But the conversations are not appearing anywhere, and i can't see the page on inbox. What am i doing in wrong way?
0 upvote
30 Replies
July 15, 2019
AAH That was the reason!! Ok now on the right page. Thank you for your patience to helping us on this. BTW, how long this connection need to more
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