
Member | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Jul 5, 2019
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Merle Karp

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Merlek on May 25, 2021
We have multiple newsletters we want to send custom surveys for and each newsletter owner has their own checkboxes to ask feedback for newsletter content, but they all want to use the same question. Problem is, the Feedback tool will only let us cre read more
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ndwilliams3 on January 25, 2017
Workflows can be complex and it would be great it you could add notes to a step to explain what it's doing for other members on the team. In programming, you leave comments in the code to help explain a function, why not have something similar in read more
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Member | Platinum Partner
July 05, 2019
I would also love to leave notes for myself or someone else for when a workflow is still missing something (an email that needs to be created first, more
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