
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Membro desde ‎jun 29, 2019
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LuisaSchreiber on Julho 30, 2024
Hallo Community, könnt ihr mir bitte helfen, ich bin mit meinem Latein am Ende: Wir haben einen CTA in eine WordPress-Seite eingebettet. Nach Klick soll ein Datei-Download stattfinden. Bei akzeptierten Cookeis ist das auch der Fall. Bei abgel Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
5 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Agosto 30, 2024
Hallo Luisa, Hallo Mia, vorab, ich kann nachstehend keine Lösung bieten. Aber ein paar Hintergrundinformationen einbringen. Bei der schwarzen Se...Leia mais
mii on Agosto 07, 2024
The file mock_data.html in the directory cms-quote-theme shows the property hs_sender_jobtitle . However, the jobtitle property is missing in the contact data record of the subsequent quote. DE: Fehlende Eigenschaft für den Absender Jobtitel in Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
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AJewell9 on Janeiro 24, 2024
I've set up my own custom quote, we've always been able to add comments into the quote and have this show on the quote (its really important that we not the additional fees and instructions that come with our products). However today, on the same qu Leia mais
2 avaliações positivas
5 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Agosto 06, 2024
Solution that worked for me : In order to load the comment and terms section from the quote-editor, you need to place the correct tokens into a rich...Leia mais
GBreccia on Janeiro 06, 2024
Hi! I create a custom quote template where I modified only the line_items.module to sort the products in a specific way. When I select this template in the quote creation process I receive this alert message: " This template is missing t Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
5 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Agosto 01, 2024
I am a developer and have also come across the "future payments" message. I do not see any errors when using the module in my own templates. The modu...Leia mais
AJewell9 on Janeiro 24, 2024
I've set up my own custom quote, we've always been able to add comments into the quote and have this show on the quote (its really important that we not the additional fees and instructions that come with our products). However today, on the same qu Leia mais
2 avaliações positivas
5 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Agosto 06, 2024
Solution that worked for me : In order to load the comment and terms section from the quote-editor, you need to place the correct tokens into a rich...Leia mais
Angi on Julho 30, 2024
Hallo Community, wir haben auf verschiedenen Landing Pages / Websites / im Newsletter Bilder integriert und haben festgestellt, dass der Browser oft recht lang lädt, bis alle Bilder erscheinen. Ich dachte bisher, dass HubSpot automatisch hochgela Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Julho 31, 2024
Hallo Mia, Hallo Angi, für die Nutzung des HubSpot-Bildprozessors, welcher die Bilder automatisch verkleinert, muss das Bild unter 1 MB groß sein....Leia mais
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