
Member since ‎Jun 28, 2019
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Rupert Carlyon

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rupertcarlyon on September 15, 2019
Hi, I want to create separate chatbot flows for different pages on my website. For example - pre sign up info has a chat bot (general across most pages on website) - sign up page moves to a different chat bot so we can specificially target q read more
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Snaedis on September 07, 2020
There have been a number of different posts in the Community which are about the same core need (customizing the styling of the knowledge base), but many have been marked as "solved" or "delivered" because of options that get you part-way there. I'm read more
September 12, 2019
Is there any update on when this might be available as an upgrade? Most frustrating of all - is that the hubspot knowledge base uses a much more
CasperOng on August 17, 2018
Hi Team, Some customers who are looking to purchase Service Hub have their own Knowledge Base set up already. At the same time, the HubSpot Knowledge Base does not seem to have an easy way to do a bulk import of these articles with a XML file. read more
13 Replies
September 12, 2019
Hi was there any way to upload from an excel or word table format for this? Otherwise very annoying to have to put each one in individually.
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