
Member since ‎Jun 27, 2019
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Jacki Zitek

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MariaKristians1 on February 23, 2023
Hi. I have a workflow that capitalizes first name and last name, but if the contact has more than one first name or last name, this is not formatted. Any idea on how to solve this?
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6 Replies
August 02, 2024
This helped me! Thank you!!
TWatkins9 on June 13, 2023
Hi there, I've noticed when merging contacts that the "original source" field will update to reflect the most recent "original source" value of the two contacts. This seems to work the wrong way - the original source should reflect the oldest sour read more
April 10, 2024
I recently noticed that same behavior with the new field "record source" after a merge as well. I decided to submit an idea for that as well, if you' more
Jzitek on April 10, 2024
After merging two contacts, I noticed that the record source incorrectly displayed the record source of the newer contact rather than the older contact. Would love to see this behavior change so that we can rely on the record source field. Thanks!
abrow on March 01, 2021
Currently, Hubspot has the capability to show all the workflows a 'property' is referenced in. I would love to have this feature to be extended to show all the workflows a 'user' is referenced in as well. This would help when onboarding/offboarding read more
37 Replies
February 14, 2024
Yes, please! Visibility to assignments from form submission notifications, lists, and views would be amazing as well!
callie on February 18, 2022
Similar to how we can see what a Property is used in and, what is owned by a HubSpot user before they're deactivated, it would be great to see what Emails, Workflows, etc. that a HubSpot user is used in . When we have turnover, out of offices, read more
February 07, 2024
We would love to have this as well! I recently discovered that they display dashboards, reports, and tasks on the user record in the overview tab more
Melly2022 on October 21, 2020
It would be ideal if we could export a workflow in an excel with all properties that are apart of that workflow. Example would be: Workflow Name | Set lifecycle | Append property XYZ | Send internal Marketing email | Delay X TIME | Clear Property read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
August 10, 2023
We would also like to be able to export workflows to audit them, with the step type, and the fields included.
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