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Morgan Jones


PowerMyAnalytic on Maio 11, 2023
We are using the List contacts endpoint in order to get the account contacts ( GET /crm/v3/objects/contacts ). For enterprise customers, that have a lot of custom properties (~60 Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
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Maio 15, 2023
Hi @himanshurauthan ! Thanks, I'm aware for this option, however, each request is a point of failure, and when we are asking for thousands of ...Leia mais
PowerMyAnalytic on Maio 11, 2023
We are using the List contacts endpoint in order to get the account contacts ( GET /crm/v3/objects/contacts ). For enterprise customers, that have a lot of custom properties (~60 Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
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Maio 15, 2023
Hi @himanshurauthan ! Thanks, I'm aware for this option, however, each request is a point of failure, and when we are asking for thousands of ...Leia mais
iaa on Fevereiro 22, 2020
Hello, I'm working on interation with Hubspot's API in order to extract our deals using the " " endpoint. Example query params: properties : [ 'dealname' , 'amount' , 'closedat Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
11 Respostas
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Agosto 31, 2021
@WendyGoh Please reply to me. I see that this issue is across all the Search endpoints - in the "get all" endpoint you can use query parameter of ...Leia mais
nekadaba on Fevereiro 12, 2021
Hi there, I have a client with an integration with Data Studio via Power My Analytics . They recently created a handful of reports via the new sales analytics tools but they are not able to port those over to view in data studio. They let me kno Leia mais
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Fevereiro 22, 2021
@nekadaba Please contact Power My Analytics Support
Vitaly_Gubkin on Julho 21, 2020
Saqueador (Realçar para ler) Hello. To get deals, I use /crm/v3/objects/deal/search. But there is no association with contact in the answer. I could not find a suitable property. How to get an association without using additional queries? He Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
5 Respostas
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Fevereiro 08, 2021
@IsaacTakushi jumping
iaa on Fevereiro 22, 2020
Hello, I'm working on interation with Hubspot's API in order to extract our deals using the " " endpoint. Example query params: properties : [ 'dealname' , 'amount' , 'closedat Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
11 Respostas
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Agosto 31, 2021
@WendyGoh Please reply to me. I see that this issue is across all the Search endpoints - in the "get all" endpoint you can use query parameter of ...Leia mais
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