
Member since ‎Jun 26, 2019
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Dahlton Grover

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JBrown85 on July 22, 2021
I'd like more robust sequence filters in the reporting. For example, adding the sequence status to filter reports by. As of right now, I have to go into one specific sequence and I can only filter the status for that sequence. In my case, I want to read more
September 01, 2021
This is imperative for our team. I cannot build a report that shows current number of enrolled contacts in an individual sequence--only total number more
DwiP on January 07, 2020
Currently, in HubSpot, we can upload files from Google Drive as attachments in the Deal Record. However, users is not able to select Shared Drives in the Google Drive. It would be beneficial if there would be an improved functionality where user wo read more
24 Replies
August 18, 2021
This is pertinent to our org since HubSpot only has document management for external-facing marketing materials.
Brendan_ on December 27, 2017
Is a feature to customize what days are recognized as non-business days being considered or developed? It'd be nice to set certain days to automatically skipped (not just weekends) when sending sequences.
27 Replies
June 02, 2021
HubSpot, we need these types of global setting options. It is killing our efficiency. Please work to create customized blackout calendars.
dbovs on September 02, 2020
When I export pipeline reports into a spreadsheets that contains a dollar value currency column, a $ is not inserted into the cells in the column. I then have to take the extra step of formatting the cells to insert the $. It would be great if this read more
2 Replies
May 10, 2021
Especially when working with multiple currencies this is a hassle for our executives. Every report name must contain the unit that we are measuring. more
revilo on May 25, 2020
Make it possible to round up figures in dashboards and reports so that there are not figures with long lists of decimals.
22 Replies
May 10, 2021
Please make this happen. It is also unclear why decimals show up on some types of reports, and not on others.
rjurbala on May 02, 2019
Recently decimal places have been added to the deal amounts when viewed in Board View. It should be an optional setting to have these or not, whichever makes sense for the individuals use. In addition, the deal amount and description used to be read more
33 Replies
May 07, 2021
1000% agree. This makes HubSpot look juvenile compared to Salesforce reporting capabilities. Please note that items like this add to our desire to more
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