
Member since ‎Jun 26, 2019
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Scott Logan

Been using Hubspot since 2013. Multiple certifications. I make beautiful systems of workflows. DM me if you need help; I probably have the answer


megannorris on December 02, 2020
Recently, email preview links were changed to only be visible with a login. I would like to request a solution that brings this back. I see now that the change was made for security purposes and I recognize that I don't fully understand the use case read more
80 Replies
June 14, 2022
yep, that's what this idea's about
slogans on April 28, 2022
I recently found out that contacts who access our site from and linktree are labeled as "original source = referral" when they fill out a form. Wouldn't it create more accurate reporting for the vast majority of hubspot users if c read more
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megannorris on December 02, 2020
Recently, email preview links were changed to only be visible with a login. I would like to request a solution that brings this back. I see now that the change was made for security purposes and I recognize that I don't fully understand the use case read more
80 Replies
June 14, 2022
yep, that's what this idea's about
slogans on August 30, 2021
After a one-time email is sent there's a date for "last updated" but nothing on that page says "Email Send date". If "last updated" remains static after the email is sent, could the name of the field display differently on the analytics page? Wh read more
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HubSpotMaster on January 31, 2019
I create custom date stamps on each stage in my funnel so I can pull the data out and do additional analysis. I created a Property group called "Stage Change Date Stamps" to group them all together. The one date I was missing was the deal "Create Da read more
4 Replies
September 15, 2020
Was running into the same problem and just thought of a solution - use the workflow to just set the current day. It would only be helpful for going more
slogans on June 26, 2019
Anyone know how I can see the average number of emails delivered per contact? So, [Average delivered]+[group]+[date range]. I think the only way will be to base it around the "marketing emails delivered" contact property on contact records, but I'm read more
July 02, 2019
This is what I ended up doing last week. It's a time sink, but seems to be the only solution right now. Thanks for the response
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