
Miembro desde ‎jun 26, 2019
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Ryan Johnson

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rjohnsonM3 en May 15, 2020
Hey, all. I've been asked to create a report that shows either Contacts or Companies which have not had a call or meeting for 30/60/90 days. The problem I'm finding though is that the filters in the reports don't really support this. I can filter Leer más
Marzo 22, 2020
Thanks, Will! Could be an option for sure.
Marzo 20, 2020
Thanks for looking into it, Alex. Have a good weekend! -Ryan
Marzo 20, 2020
Thanks, Alex. We're basically just trying to make sure that our users are consuming the information we're putting on the dashboards for them to use....Leer más
rjohnsonM3 en Marzo 20, 2020
Hello. Does anyone know of a way to track dashboard views? As in, how many users on the portal have looked at certain dashboards? Thanks, Ryan
Octubre 14, 2019
Battling this issue myself right now. Thanks for posting!
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