
Contributor | Partner
Member since ‎Jun 26, 2019
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Sandy Garrido

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Contributor | Partner
February 11, 2021
This is game changing! Super powerful 🙂 thanks for sharing this @alyssamwilie
Contributor | Partner
February 11, 2021
Hi @fawadsabri , Would you mind sharing some of your code, I may be able to see where you're going wrong with the 3rd level for breadcrumbs more
Contributor | Partner
September 16, 2020
Sooo, do we call you Boog or Dennis? I'm confused 😂 . J/K, good to see you properly introduced as I have seen you poking around here and more
SandyG1 on August 18, 2020
Whats the best method of staging or applying a new template to a blog? We have a situation where we need to keep all the slugs & meta data the same but change the template. This causes all the module data to go for each blog article. We need to read more
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Contributor | Partner
August 13, 2020
@Kevin-C You absolute star! WHY didn't I think about this. Tunnel vision. I thought I'd exhaused the docs. I read HUBL but not coding more
Contributor | Partner
August 13, 2020
Hold on, you did get it to work? That's so strange
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