
Member since ‎Jun 26, 2019
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Chris Donner

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ChrisD on August 21, 2019
Hey community, Well, we've created a hubspot workflow containing multiple mailings and landingpages with different languages and smart modules (based on list memberships). We connected everything within a workflow. Now we want to test it as spec read more
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July 03, 2019
In some cases hubspot shows the correct name, in some cases hubspot shows the default placeholder for the token. It's not relyable. I guess it's more
July 02, 2019
Hey Matthew, To clarify, this site visitor is an existing contact in your CRM? And you are trying to show their First Name and Last Name on a more
ChrisD on July 01, 2019
Hello, Hope you can help me. I want a contact to visit a Hubspot landingpage. The contact ist already existing in our Hubspot CRM as contact entry. On the landingpage he just enters his email address in a form and submit it (no more form fie read more
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