
Member since ‎Jun 20, 2019
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Dianne McDermott

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DianneMcDermott on October 20, 2019
In our new Digital and Social Marketing degree, we added a Principles of Sales course. I need to define the course and create a rough syllabus; and hire someone (adjunct) to teach it. I want to be sure that: -the course includes at least one of t read more
December 23, 2019
I would appreciate seeing your syllabus! Do you teach face to face or online? Dianne
DianneMcDermott on October 20, 2019
In our new Digital and Social Marketing degree, we added a Principles of Sales course. I need to define the course and create a rough syllabus; and hire someone (adjunct) to teach it. I want to be sure that: -the course includes at least one of t read more
December 23, 2019
I would appreciate seeing your syllabus! Do you teach face to face or online? Dianne
DianneMcDermott on October 20, 2019
In our new Digital and Social Marketing degree, we added a Principles of Sales course. I need to define the course and create a rough syllabus; and hire someone (adjunct) to teach it. I want to be sure that: -the course includes at least one of t read more
December 23, 2019
I would appreciate seeing your syllabus! Do you teach face to face or online? Dianne
DianneMcDermott on October 20, 2019
In our new Digital and Social Marketing degree, we added a Principles of Sales course. I need to define the course and create a rough syllabus; and hire someone (adjunct) to teach it. I want to be sure that: -the course includes at least one of t read more
December 23, 2019
I would appreciate seeing your syllabus! Do you teach face to face or online? Dianne
jgueron on September 26, 2019
Hi all! I'm writing this post to see if anyone here in the community would be interested in a project that I'm working on. For some context, I started at HubSpot about 5 months ago. All new HubSpot employees are taken through a 2~ week traini read more
October 03, 2019
I'm very excited to be part of this development. My program is a 2 year AS program so I will be looking at putting pieces of this into one of three more
lauramunozUD on June 03, 2019
I thought we could share teaching materials we use in our classrooms. I teach and my students are required to deveop buying personas as part of the digital marketing class read more
August 20, 2019
Thank you for this. I also teach buyer personas and this will be very helpful as an in class team project!
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