
Member since ‎Jun 19, 2019
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Michael Bulman

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Yunhui on June 24, 2019
Yas, we've got the feature of manage duplicates that's great. One thought is there's no way to bulk merge of contact and company duplicates, and you'll need to go through one by one manually. I'm wondering if there's a better way for us instead read more
169 Replies
April 08, 2020
Just to expand on my earlier 'contribution'. This is wasting a lot of time for me and my team. Aka costing us money. Another issue is that if I more
Christiana on October 11, 2017
We'd like to merge two companies within HubSpot but have been told this functionality is not available as it is disabled for users who have a Salesforce integration with Hubspot . It would be great if this feature could be made available.
46 Replies
April 08, 2020
Agree with all of the above. More dross from Hubspot. I used to be a huge fan of Hubspot but the more I seem to use it, the more convinced I am more
tscott on November 14, 2017
In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to edit the titles and the number of steps in the tasks feature so, we can more accurately show read more
93 Replies
March 25, 2020
Come on Hubspot, it can't be that hard to fix this. Asking people to click into each and every person is ridiculous.
Yunhui on June 24, 2019
Yas, we've got the feature of manage duplicates that's great. One thought is there's no way to bulk merge of contact and company duplicates, and you'll need to go through one by one manually. I'm wondering if there's a better way for us instead read more
169 Replies
April 08, 2020
Just to expand on my earlier 'contribution'. This is wasting a lot of time for me and my team. Aka costing us money. Another issue is that if I more
vickyjiang on June 12, 2017
I'm looking to create either an automated report that could be sent out monthly or a dashboard that will show us the people who filled out forms to download some of our gated content in the last month (or other period of time). Right now I can only read more
83 Replies
August 28, 2019
Agree with the vast majority of this thread. The lack of easy reporting on obvious things is quite staggering.
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