
Member since ‎May 26, 2017
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mateomm22 on July 18, 2018
Hi there! I'm creating a custom view for each topic in my blog I'm using this code {% if is_listing_view %} {% if topic %} My custom code {{topic}} {{}} {{topic.slug}} {% endif %} {% endif %} According to the doc read more
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6 Replies
July 18, 2018
Hi @Phil_Vallender I'm afraid this isn't the solution according to the Hubspot documentation this {{topic}} variable has these two values inside more
mateomm22 on July 18, 2018
Hi there! I'm creating a custom view for each topic in my blog I'm using this code {% if is_listing_view %} {% if topic %} My custom code {{topic}} {{}} {{topic.slug}} {% endif %} {% endif %} According to the doc read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
July 18, 2018
Hi @Phil_Vallender I'm afraid this isn't the solution according to the Hubspot documentation this {{topic}} variable has these two values inside more
mateomm22 on September 22, 2017
Hi guys! I'm working on a landing page and i just made a repeater field with this code i found on the hubspot docs page. { % set my_options = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] % } { % choice "repeats" label="Number of modules to print", value= read more
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10 Replies
January 26, 2018
Hi @Jsum ! The solution you gave me has worked perfectly, but I have another question. {% widget_block custom_widget "some_content" more
tstrack on January 30, 2017
Is there a way to customize the HubL Gallery module? Basically removed all of the styling, wrappers, etc. so it just spits out the images? Then take those images and wrap them in some HubL code like so: <div class="slider"> <div>&l read more
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22 Replies
January 24, 2018
I need to customize my slider settings to show and scroll 5 slides at once, is that possible? No matter what I do or where I put my custom script, more
tstrack on January 30, 2017
Is there a way to customize the HubL Gallery module? Basically removed all of the styling, wrappers, etc. so it just spits out the images? Then take those images and wrap them in some HubL code like so: <div class="slider"> <div>&l read more
0 upvote
22 Replies
January 24, 2018
I need to customize my slider settings to show and scroll 5 slides at once, is that possible? No matter what I do or where I put my custom script, more
mateomm22 on September 22, 2017
Hi guys! I'm working on a landing page and i just made a repeater field with this code i found on the hubspot docs page. { % set my_options = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] % } { % choice "repeats" label="Number of modules to print", value= read more
0 upvote
10 Replies
January 26, 2018
Hi @Jsum ! The solution you gave me has worked perfectly, but I have another question. {% widget_block custom_widget "some_content" more
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