
Member since ‎Jun 6, 2019
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Lewis Werner

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Rianne on March 08, 2019
Within our organization we use Microsoft Teams for all meetings. When people book a meeting through the Meeting tool with someone, we now have to manually send out an additional Microsoft Teams meeting. We would like to these meeting tool invites to read more
404 Replies
January 06, 2021
@poconnell It's been a month since the last update on this feature and a lot of comments. Any news on beta progress? Should we be abandoning more
Rianne on March 08, 2019
Within our organization we use Microsoft Teams for all meetings. When people book a meeting through the Meeting tool with someone, we now have to manually send out an additional Microsoft Teams meeting. We would like to these meeting tool invites to read more
404 Replies
January 06, 2021
@poconnell It's been a month since the last update on this feature and a lot of comments. Any news on beta progress? Should we be abandoning more
FinallyMatt on July 02, 2020
When negotiating a deal, dropping a custom discount on-the-fly can often be what ultimately tips a lead to a customer. In turn, that discount changes the value of a deal...or at least, it should! The trouble is, right now it doesn't. Custom read more
November 18, 2020
@AlanR I don't see "Total" and "Subtotal" as options. My choices seem to be some synthesis of annual or recurring value: I wish I had " more
FinallyMatt on July 02, 2020
When negotiating a deal, dropping a custom discount on-the-fly can often be what ultimately tips a lead to a customer. In turn, that discount changes the value of a deal...or at least, it should! The trouble is, right now it doesn't. Custom read more
November 18, 2020
@AlanR I don't see "Total" and "Subtotal" as options. My choices seem to be some synthesis of annual or recurring value: I wish I had " more
hannahdavidian on January 23, 2020
It seems like something that would be a standard feature, but our company thinks it is essential to be able to embed HubSpot dashboards in external sites. For example, we have a centralized reporting system which we use a published link to embed ext read more
July 06, 2020
I think this is a Go To Market strategy for Hubspot. They want to be the brain, so you can put other systems data in Hubspot, but you can't easily more
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